What an exciting time for you! The clergy and staff of St. Thomas congratulate you on your engagement and look forward to working with you in the months ahead. We've prepared this brochure with general information and guidelines to assist you with planning this most exciting event. The guidelines we note, particularly in relation to music, flowers, photographs, and safety are based on much experience. Once you have read this brochure, please call the parish office to arrange a meeting with a member of the clergy, as that will be the necessary first step.
Dates and times for the wedding ceremony must be arranged with clergy well in advance of the service and prior to the ordering of wedding or public announcements. The clergy will work with the couple in determining a satisfactory schedule for the use of the church facilities.
Weddings may be held on any day with the following exceptions: Sundays, the days of Lent, the days of Advent, Christmas, Easter or other parish festivals.
Appropriate music is an important aspect of a wedding. The Organist of Saint Thomas Episcopal Church is a fine musician with a large repertoire of suitable music for weddings. The Organist must be consulted with regard to the music for the ceremony. The fees include the services of the Organist. The wedding fees do not cover vocal soloists or instrumentalists.
All arrangements for flowers and/or other decorations must be made with the wedding coordinator of the parish Altar Guild. No paid wedding consultants will be permitted on the premises; a member of the Altar Guild will be present to facilitate and coordinate the movements of the wedding party during both the rehearsal and the ceremony itself.
We recognize that photographs and video tapes are important mementos of weddings. However, care must be taken that the beauty and solemnity of the wedding ceremony not be disturbed by the movement of photographers or the use of photoflashes or photofloods. While no flash pictures will be taken during the ceremony, the clergy may allow their discrete use during the processional and recessional. A video camera may be allowed in designated fixed positions, but may not be moved about during the ceremony. The priest will be available for fifteen minutes after the ceremony for pictures.
Church Members
For members of the church, a fee of $1500.00 has been established. This fee includes the following services: Marriage counseling by a priest; the rehearsal and wedding ceremony; services by and consultations with the Director of Music and the Organist; the Sexton, who provides set up and clean up for the rehearsal and ceremony; the acolyte, who assists with the formal ceremonial proceedings; and the Altar Guild coordinator, who facilitates the movements of the bride and groom during the rehearsal and wedding, and also prepares the altar. Other expenses not usually a part of the church wedding are additional (altar flowers, candelabra, etc) and are to be paid by the bride and groom.
Former members, lapsed members or inactive members who have not been supporting the work of the church during the past year are considered to be non-members. If the clergy determines that the bride or groom is not a Church member, a cost of $2000.00 will be required for the use of the Church. This fee covers services listed above as well as air conditioning/heating, and other expenses involved in the upkeep and maintenance of the Church building and grounds.
CORAL GABLES, FL 33156-2132
(305) 661-3436