Grow in Faith

First Communion Class

First Communion Classes 2024-2025

Registration is now open until September 8th!

St Thomas’ Episcopal Parish offers a Faith Formation Program on Sundays for children in our parish school as well as children who attend other schools. Our Program aims to nurture the innate spirituality of children and a Christ-centered Episcopal identity.  Through fellowship and worship, our faith formation programs build a sense of a larger community beyond the child’s family and prepares families to celebrate the richness of the Sacraments; Baptism and Eucharist (First Communion).  
Please read all information provided in the 3 links below before registering. Your understanding of the program and time commitment throughout the school year, will make your family's experience richer and complete.
For more information about our programs contact Mrs. Claudia Carmona through email:

Please read all information provided in the 3 links below before registering. Your understanding of the program and time commitment throughout the school year, will make your family's experience richer and complete.

    • 1st Communion Class